Jaybird is a group of dedicated and passionate community members who love history and understand the importance of capturing our generational ties to our community.  We work to identify historic properties, learn about their legacy, and then restore them for adaptive reuse to the community.  We marry the properties with small business owners that need affordable and attractive places to engage with community members.  Some projects we are looking at are restoring properties in Historic Evansburg to use for a coffee shop, bed and breakfast, library, museum, event space, community garden, and offices for self-employed residents and nonprofits.  We feel strongly that people are naturally curious about how their community came to be and with the world becoming more automated will crave connection to history, nature, and the arts.  We are working with county officials to navigate managing these projects and would love to share more information on how you can get involved or share your own ideas on how these properties can be adapted.  

Email: [email protected]